Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Back to Reality

I'm a dog.  Yesterday, we came home from our first family vacation to Cape May.  I had such a great time and didn't want to leave.  I asked Matt if he wouldn't mind just leaving me in the house with the toys and propping the backdoor open so I could play in the yard.  He didn't go for it. Oh well.

Now that we're back and there's a better Internet connection, I can post some videos Matt took of my first time on the beach!

Getting My First Taste of the Beach...

Taking the Plunge (and quickly running away)...

And here are a few other photos Matt and Alicia snapped of me enjoying our beach vacation.

Made in the shade on the bay beach. Note the hole I dug
under Alicia's chair, where I liked to lay my head.
Sopping wet after Matt hosed me down. I did NOT like it.
A new ear style I tried out.
Snoozin' in the yard. I love the yard. I miss the yard.
Caught snoozin' where I shouldn't be. Oops.
I had such a great time.  It was so hard to leave.  Literally.  I made it very difficult.  I refused to get in the car, and Matt had to pick me up and put me in my crate.  I'll miss the sand (which, incidentally, I have discovered is NOT edible) and the sun.  I'll miss the yard and the dog toys.  I'll miss sneaking onto the chair in the front room.  Most of all, I'll miss spending all day with my humans.  Is it too soon to go back?

Thank you, Aunt Nancy, for making our first family vacation possible.

1 comment:

  1. I love this blog! (One should make it a point to try out a new ear style every so often.)
